Electricity and Reserve Pricing in Chance-Constrained Electricity Markets with Asymmetric Balancing Reserve Policies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recently, chance-constrained stochastic electricity market designs have been proposed to address the shortcomings of scenario-based stochastic market designs. In particular, the use of chance-constrained market-clearing avoids trading off in-expectation and per-scenario characteristics and yields unique energy and reserves prices. However, current formulations rely on symmetric control policies based on the aggregated system imbalance, which restricts balancing reserve providers in their energy and reserve commitments. This paper extends existing chance-constrained market-clearing formulations by leveraging node-to-node and asymmetric balancing reserve policies and deriving the resulting energy and reserve prices. The proposed node-to-node policy allows for relating the remuneration of balancing reserve providers and payment of uncertain resources using a marginal cost-based approach. Further, we introduce asymmetric balancing reserve policies into the chance-constrained electricity market design and show how this additional degree of freedom affects market outcomes.

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