Relativistic Dynamical Stability Criterion of Multi-Planet Systems with a Distant Companion

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Multi-planetary systems are prevalent in our Galaxy. The long-term stability of such systems may be disrupted if a distant inclined companion excites the eccentricity and inclination of the inner planets via the eccentric Kozai-Lidov mechanism. However, the star-planet and the planet-planet interactions can help stabilize the system. Here, we extend the previous stability criterion that considered only the companion-planet and planet-planet interactions by also accounting for short-range forces or effects, specifically, relativistic precession induced by the host star. A general analytical stability criterion is developed for planetary systems with $N$ inner planets and a far-away inclined perturber by comparing precession rates of relevant dynamical effects. Furthermore, we demonstrate as examples that in systems with $2$ and $3$ planets, the analytical criterion is consistent with numerical simulations using a combination of Gausss averaging method and direct N-body integration. This new stability criterion extends the parameter space in which inclined companions of multi-planet systems can inhabit.

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