An Upgrade Path for the Fermilab Accelerator Complex

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The completion of the PIP-II project and its superconducting linear accelerator will provide up to 1.2 MW of beam power to the LBNF/DUNE facility for neutrino physics. It will also be able to produce high-power beams directly from the linac that can be used for lower-energy particle physics experiments as well, such as directing beam toward the Muon Campus at Fermilab for example. Any further significant upgrade of the beam power to DUNE, however, will be impeded by the limitations of the present Booster synchrotron at the facility. To increase the power to DUNE by a factor of two would require a new accelerator arrangement to feed the Main Injector that does not include the Booster. In what follows, a path toward upgrading the Fermilab accelerator complex to bring the beam power for DUNE to 2.4 MW is presented, using a new rapid-cycling synchrotron plus an energy upgrade to the PIP-II linac. The path includes the ability to instigate a new lower-energy, very high-power beam delivery system for experiments that can address much of the science program presented by the Booster Replacement Science Working Group. It also allows for the future possibility to go beyond 2.4 MW up to roughly 4 MW from the Main Injector.

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