Global propagation of singularities for discounted Hamilton-Jacobi equations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The main purpose of this paper is to study the global propagation of singularities of viscosity solution to discounted Hamilton-Jacobi equation begin{equation}label{eq:discount 1}tag{HJ$_lambda$} lambda v(x)+H( x, Dv(x) )=0 , quad xin mathbb{R}^n. end{equation} We reduce the problem for equation eqref{eq:discount 1} into that for a time-dependent evolutionary Hamilton-Jacobi equation. We proved that the singularities of the viscosity solution of eqref{eq:discount 1} propagate along locally Lipschitz singular characteristics which can extend to $+infty$. We also obtained the homotopy equivalence between the singular set and the complement of associated the Aubry set with respect to the viscosity solution of equation eqref{eq:discount 1}.

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