A Biased Deep Tensor Factorization Network For Tensor Completion

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Tensor decomposition is a popular technique for tensor completion, However most of the existing methods are based on linear or shallow model, when the data tensor becomes large and the observation data is very small, it is prone to over fitting and the performance decreases significantly. To address this problem, the completion method for a tensor based on a Biased Deep Tensor Factorization Network (BDTFN) is proposed. This method can not only overcome the shortcomings of traditional tensor factorization, but also deal with complex non-linear data. Firstly, the horizontal and lateral tensors corresponding to the observed values of the input tensors are used as inputs and projected to obtain their horizontal (lateral) potential feature tensors. Secondly, the horizontal (lateral) potential feature tensors are respectively constructed into a multilayer perceptron network. Finally, the horizontal and lateral output tensors are fused by constructing a bilinear pooling layer. Tensor forward-propagation is composed of those three step, and its parameters are updated by tensor back-propagation using the multivariable chain rule. In this paper, we consider the large-scale 5-minute traffic speed data set and use it to address the missing data imputation problem for large-scale spatiotemporal traffic data. In addition, we compare the numerical performance of the proposed algorithm with those for state-of-the-art approaches on video recovery and color image recovery. Numerical experimental results illustrate that our approach is not only much more accurate than those state-of-the-art methods, but it also has high speed.

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