Perturbative readout error mitigation for near term quantum computers

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Readout errors on near-term quantum computers can introduce significant error to the empirical probability distribution sampled from the output of a quantum circuit. These errors can be mitigated by classical postprocessing given the access of an experimental emph{response matrix} that describes the error associated with measurement of each computational basis state. However, the resources required to characterize a complete response matrix and to compute the corrected probability distribution scale exponentially in the number of qubits $n$. In this work, we modify standard matrix inversion techniques using two perturbative approximations with significantly reduced complexity and bounded error when the likelihood of high order bitflip events is strongly suppressed. Given a characteristic error rate $q$, our first method recovers the probability of the all-zeros bitstring $p_0$ by sampling only a small subspace of the response matrix before inverting readout error resulting in a relative speedup of $text{poly}left(2^{n} / big(begin{smallmatrix} n w end{smallmatrix}big)right)$, which we motivate using a simplified error model for which the approximation incurs only $O(q^w)$ error for some integer $w$. We then provide a generalized technique to efficiently recover full output distributions with $O(q^w)$ error in the perturbative limit. These approximate techniques for readout error correction may greatly accelerate near term quantum computing applications.

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