Distinguishing Dark Energy Models with Neutrino Oscillations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Dark Energy models are numerous and distinguishing between them is becoming difficult. However, using distinct observational probes can ease this quest and gives better assessment to the nature of Dark energy. To this end, the plausibility of neutrino oscillations to be a probe of Dark Energy models is investigated. First, a generalized formalism of neutrino (spinor field) interaction with a classical scalar field in curved space-time is presented. This formalism is then applied to two classes of Dark Energy models in a flat Friedman-Lema^itre-Robertson-Walker metric: a Cosmological Constant and scalar field Dark Energy coupled to neutrinos. By looking at the neutrino oscillation probabilitys evolution with redshift, these models can be distinguished, for certain neutrino and scalar field coupling properties. This evolution could be traced by neutrino flux in future underground, terrestrial or extraterrestrial neutrino telescopes, which would assess probing Dark Energy models with this technique.

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