Detection Landscape in the Deci-Hertz Gravitational-Wave Spectrum

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Direct observations of gravitational waves at frequencies around deci-Hertz will play a crucial role in fully exploiting the potential of multi-messenger astronomy. In this chapter, we discuss the detection landscape for the next several decades of the deci-Hertz gravitational-wave spectrum. We provide an overview of the experimental frontiers being considered to probe this challenging regime and the astrophysics and fundamental goals accessible towards them. This includes interferometric observatories in space with heliocentric and geocentric satellites, cubesats, lunar-based experiments and atom intereferometry. A major focus of this chapter is towards the technology behind DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (DECIGO) and its scientific pathfinder mission concept B-DECIGO.

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