Edge coloring graphs with large minimum degree

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $G$ be a simple graph with maximum degree $Delta(G)$. A subgraph $H$ of $G$ is overfull if $|E(H)|>Delta(G)lfloor |V(H)|/2 rfloor$. Chetwynd and Hilton in 1985 conjectured that a graph $G$ with $Delta(G)>|V(G)|/3$ has chromatic index $Delta(G)$ if and only if $G$ contains no overfull subgraph. The 1-factorization conjecture is a special case of this overfull conjecture, which states that for even $n$, every regular $n$-vertex graph with degree at least about $n/2$ has a 1-factorization and was confirmed for large graphs in 2014. Supporting the overfull conjecture as well as generalizing the 1-factorization conjecture in an asymptotic way, in this paper, we show that for any given $0<varepsilon <1$, there exists a positive integer $n_0$ such that the following statement holds: if $G$ is a graph on $2nge n_0$ vertices with minimum degree at least $(1+varepsilon)n$, then $G$ has chromatic index $Delta(G)$ if and only if $G$ contains no overfull subgraph.

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