On Stochastic Moving-Average Estimators for Non-Convex Optimization

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper, we demonstrate the power of a widely used stochastic estimator based on moving average (SEMA) on a range of stochastic non-convex optimization problems, which only requires {bf a general unbiased stochastic oracle}. We analyze various stochastic methods (existing or newly proposed) based on the {bf variance recursion property} of SEMA for three families of non-convex optimization, namely standard stochastic non-convex minimization, stochastic non-convex strongly-concave min-max optimization, and stochastic bilevel optimization. Our contributions include: (i) for standard stochastic non-convex minimization, we present a simple and intuitive proof of convergence for a family Adam-style methods (including Adam) with an increasing or large momentum parameter for the first-order moment, which gives an alternative yet more natural way to guarantee Adam converge; (ii) for stochastic non-convex strongly-concave min-max optimization, we present a single-loop stochastic gradient descent ascent method based on the moving average estimators and establish its oracle complexity of $O(1/epsilon^4)$ without using a large mini-batch size, addressing a gap in the literature; (iii) for stochastic bilevel optimization, we present a single-loop stochastic method based on the moving average estimators and establish its oracle complexity of $widetilde O(1/epsilon^4)$ without computing the inverse or SVD of the Hessian matrix, improving state-of-the-art results. For all these problems, we also establish a variance diminishing result for the used stochastic gradient estimators.

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