Traversable Wormholes, Regular Black Holes, and Black-Bounces

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Various spacetime candidates for traversable wormholes, regular black holes, and `black-bounces are presented and thoroughly explored in the context of the gravitational theory of general relativity. All candidate spacetimes belong to the mathematically simple class of spherically symmetric geometries; the majority are static, with a single dynamical (time-dependent) geometry explored. To the extent possible, the candidates are presented through the use of a global coordinate patch -- some of the prior literature (especially concerning traversable wormholes) has often proposed coordinate systems for desirable solutions to the Einstein equations requiring a multi-patch atlas. The most interesting cases include the so-called `exponential metric -- well-favoured by proponents of alternative theories of gravity but which actually has a standard classical interpretation, and the `black-bounce to traversable wormhole case -- where a metric is explored which represents either a traversable wormhole or a regular black hole, depending on the value of the newly introduced scalar parameter $a$. This notion of `black-bounce is defined as the case where the spherical boundary of a regular black hole forces one to travel towards a one-way traversable `bounce into a future reincarnation of our own universe. The metric of interest is then explored further in the context of a time-dependent spacetime, where the line element is rephrased with a Vaidya-like time-dependence imposed on the mass of the object, and in terms of outgoing-/ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates. Analysing these candidate spacetimes extends the pre-existing discussion concerning the viability of non-singular black hole solutions in the context of general relativity, as well as contributing to the dialogue on whether an arbitrarily advanced civilization would be able to construct a traversable wormhole.

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