Impact of texture zeros on dark matter and neutrinoless double beta decay in inverse seesaw

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the impact of maximal zeros of the Dirac mass matrix on neutrino phenomenology and dark matter within the framework of an inverse seesaw ISS $(2,3)$. ISS $(2,3)$ is obtained by adding two right handed neutrinos and three gauge singlets sterile fermions to the standard model leading to an extra sterile state in the keV range. The model is more predictive because of the presence of fewer numbers of right handed neutrinos than the conventional inverse seesaw. Moreover, texture zeros in the structures of the mass matrices involved in the model can reduce the free parameters. We extensively study the effect of different textures of Dirac mass matrix on sterile neutrino dark matter phenomenology. Our study also includes the implications of these texture zero mass matrices on low energy phenomena like neutrinoless double beta decay (0$ ubetabeta$). The zero textures highly constrain the parameter space of the model. Based on the allowed cosmological ranges of the relic abundance, decay rates, and dark matter mixing with the active neutrinos, we study the viability of the different textures within the framework.

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