Efficient Non-Sampling Knowledge Graph Embedding

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Knowledge Graph (KG) is a flexible structure that is able to describe the complex relationship between data entities. Currently, most KG embedding models are trained based on negative sampling, i.e., the model aims to maximize some similarity of the connected entities in the KG, while minimizing the similarity of the sampled disconnected entities. Negative sampling helps to reduce the time complexity of model learning by only considering a subset of negative instances, which may fail to deliver stable model performance due to the uncertainty in the sampling procedure. To avoid such deficiency, we propose a new framework for KG embedding -- Efficient Non-Sampling Knowledge Graph Embedding (NS-KGE). The basic idea is to consider all of the negative instances in the KG for model learning, and thus to avoid negative sampling. The framework can be applied to square-loss based knowledge graph embedding models or models whose loss can be converted to a square loss. A natural side-effect of this non-sampling strategy is the increased computational complexity of model learning. To solve the problem, we leverage mathematical derivations to reduce the complexity of non-sampling loss function, which eventually provides us both better efficiency and better accuracy in KG embedding compared with existing models. Experiments on benchmark datasets show that our NS-KGE framework can achieve a better performance on efficiency and accuracy over traditional negative sampling based models, and that the framework is applicable to a large class of knowledge graph embedding models.

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