More Indications for Lepton Nonuniversality in $b to s ell^+ ell^-$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recently the LHCb collaboration has confirmed the evidence for lepton flavour nonuniversality at the $3.1sigma$ level via an updated measurement of $R_K$. In this work we analyse this evidence within a model-independent approach. We make projections for future measurements which indicate that LHCb will be in the position to discover lepton nonuniversality with the Run 3 data in a single observable. We analyse other ratios based on our analysis of the present measurements of the ratios $R_{K^{(*)}}$ and analyse if they are able to differentiate between various new physics options within the effective field theory at present or in the near future. We also compare the present deviations in the ratios with NP indications in the angular observables of exclusive $b to s ellell$ transitions. Finally, we update our global analysis considering all $b to s ellell$ observables altogether, including a 20-parameter fit in connection of a Wilks test.

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