Nucleon off-shell structure and the free neutron valence structure from A=3 inclusive electron scattering measurements

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Understanding the differences between the distribution of quarks bound in protons and neutrons is key for constraining the mechanisms of SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry breaking in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). While vast amounts of proton structure measurements were done, data on the structure of the neutron is much more spars as experiments typically extract the structure of neutrons from measurements of light atomic nuclei using model-dependent corrections for nuclear effects. Recently the MARATHON collaboration performed such an extraction by measuring inclusive deep-inelastic electron-scattering on helium-3 and tritium mirror nuclei where nuclear effects are expected to be similar and thus be suppressed in the helium-3 to tritium ratio. Here we evaluate the model dependence of this extraction by examining a wide range of models including the effect of using instant-form and light-cone nuclear wave functions and several different parameterizations of nucleon modification effects, including those with and without isospin dependence. We find that, while the data cannot differentiate among the different models of nuclear structure and nucleon modification, they consistently prefer a neutron-to-proton structure function ratio of at $x_B rightarrow 1$ of $sim 0.4$ with a typical uncertainty ($1sigma$) of $sim0.05$ and $sim0.10$ for isospin-independent and isospin-dependent modification models, respectively. While strongly favoring SU(6) symmetry breaking models based on perturbative QCD and the Schwinger-Dyson equation calculation, the MARATHON data do not completely rule out the scalar di-quark models if an isospin-dependent modification exist.

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