Spin-flop led peculiar behavior of temperature-dependent anomalous Hall effect in Hf/Gd-Fe-Co

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Here we investigate the temperature dependence of anomalous Hall effect in Hf/GdFeCo/MgO sheet film and Hall bar device. The magnetic compensation temperature ($T_{comp}$) for the sheet film and device is found to be ~240 K and ~118 K, respectively. In sheet film, spin-flopping is witnessed at a considerably lower field, 0.6 T, close to $T_{comp}$. The AHE hysteresis loops in the sheet film have a single loop whereas in the Hall bar device, hystereses consist of triple loops are observed just above the Tcomp. Moreover, the temperature-dependent anomalous Hall resistance ($R_mathrm{AHE}$) responds unusually when a perpendicular magnetic field is applied while recording the $R_mathrm{AHE}$. The zero-field $R_mathrm{AHE}$ scan suggests the Hall signal generates solely from the FeCo moment. However, the behavior of 3 T-field $R_mathrm{AHE}$ scan in which the $R_mathrm{AHE}$ drops close to zero near the $T_{comp}$ seems to be following the net magnetization response of the device, is explained by considering the low field spin-flopping around the compensation temperature. The results presented here give important insight to understand the complex AHE behavior of ferrimagnets for their spintronic applications.

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