Remote State Estimation of Multiple Systems over Multiple Markov Fading Channels

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider remote state estimation of multiple discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) systems over multiple wireless time-varying communication channels. Each system state is measured by a sensor, and the measurements from sensors are sent to a remote estimator over the shared wireless channels in a scheduled manner. We answer the following open problem: what is the fundamental requirement on the multi-sensor-multi-channel system to guarantee the existence of a sensor scheduling policy that can stabilize the remote estimation system? To tackle the problem, we propose a novel policy construction method, and develop a new analytical approach by applying the asymptotic theory of spectral radii of products of non-negative matrices. A necessary and sufficient stability condition is derived in terms of the LTI system parameters and the channel statistics, which is more effective than existing sufficient conditions available in the literature. Explicit scheduling policies with stability guarantees are presented as well. We further extend the analytical framework to cover remote estimation with four alternative network setups and obtain corresponding necessary and sufficient stability conditions.

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