Stream learning refers to the ability to acquire and transfer knowledge across a continuous stream of data without forgetting and without repeated passes over the data. A common way to avoid catastrophic forgetting is to intersperse new examples with replays of old examples stored as image pixels or reproduced by generative models. Here, we considered stream learning in image classification tasks and proposed a novel hypotheses-driven Augmented Memory Network, which efficiently consolidates previous knowledge with a limited number of hypotheses in the augmented memory and replays relevant hypotheses to avoid catastrophic forgetting. The advantages of hypothesis-driven replay over image pixel replay and generative replay are two-fold. First, hypothesis-based knowledge consolidation avoids redundant information in the image pixel space and makes memory usage more efficient. Second, hypotheses in the augmented memory can be re-used for learning new tasks, improving generalization and transfer learning ability. We evaluated our method on three stream learning object recognition datasets. Our method performs comparably well or better than SOTA methods, while offering more efficient memory usage. All source code and data are publicly available