Evidence For Multiple Accretion Events in the $Gaia$-Sausage/Enceladus Structures

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present evidence that multiple accretion events are required to explain the origin of the $Gaia$-Sausage and Enceladus (GSE) structures, based on an analysis of dynamical properties of main-sequence stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12 and $Gaia$ Data Release 2. GSE members are selected to have eccentricity ($e$) $>$ 0.7 and [Fe/H] $<$ -1.0, and separated into low and high orbital-inclination (LOI/HOI) groups. We find that the LOI stars mainly have $e < 0.9$ and are clearly separable into two groups with prograde and retrograde motions. The LOI stars exhibit prograde motions in the inner-halo region and strong retrograde motions in the outer-halo region. We interpret the LOI stars in these regions to be stars accreted from two massive dwarf galaxies with low-inclination prograde and retrograde orbits, affected to different extents by dynamical friction due to their different orbital directions. In contrast, the majority of the HOI stars have $e > 0.9$, and exhibit a globally symmetric distribution of rotational velocities ($V_{rm phi}$) near zero, although there is evidence for a small retrograde motion for these stars ($V_{rm phi}$ $sim$ -15 $rm{km~s^{-1}}$) in the outer-halo region. We consider these stars to be stripped from a massive dwarf galaxy on a high-inclination orbit. We also find that the LOI and HOI stars on highly eccentric and tangential orbits with clear retrograde motions exhibit different metallicity peaks at [Fe/H] = -1.7 and -1.9, respectively, and argue that they are associated with two low-mass dwarf galaxies accreted in the outer-halo region of the Galaxy.

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