Composably secure data processing for Gaussian-modulated continuous variable quantum key distribution

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Continuous-variable quantum key distribution employs the quadratures of a bosonic mode to establish a secret key between two remote parties, and this is usually achieved via a Gaussian modulation of coherent states. The resulting secret key rate depends not only on the loss and noise in the communication channel, but also on a series of data processing steps that are needed for transforming shared correlations into a final string of secret bits. Here we consider a Gaussian-modulated coherent-state protocol with homodyne detection in the general setting of composable finite-size security. After simulating the process of quantum communication, the output classical data is post-processed via procedures of parameter estimation, error correction, and privacy amplification. Correspondingly, we implement these steps in a Python-based library that allows one to investigate and optimize the protocol parameters to be used in practical experimental implementations.

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