Free-form Description Guided 3D Visual Graph Network for Object Grounding in Point Cloud

الملخص بالإنكليزية

3D object grounding aims to locate the most relevant target object in a raw point cloud scene based on a free-form language description. Understanding complex and diverse descriptions, and lifting them directly to a point cloud is a new and challenging topic due to the irregular and sparse nature of point clouds. There are three main challenges in 3D object grounding: to find the main focus in the complex and diverse description; to understand the point cloud scene; and to locate the target object. In this paper, we address all three challenges. Firstly, we propose a language scene graph module to capture the rich structure and long-distance phrase correlations. Secondly, we introduce a multi-level 3D proposal relation graph module to extract the object-object and object-scene co-occurrence relationships, and strengthen the visual features of the initial proposals. Lastly, we develop a description guided 3D visual graph module to encode global contexts of phrases and proposals by a nodes matching strategy. Extensive experiments on challenging benchmark datasets (ScanRefer and Nr3D) show that our algorithm outperforms existing state-of-the-art. Our code is available at

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