A Variety of Nontopological Solitons in a Spontaneously Broken U(1) Gauge Theory -- Dust Balls, Shell Balls, and Potential Balls

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We show, by numerical calculations, that there exist three-types of stationary and spherically symmetric nontopological soliton solutions (NTS-balls) with large sizes in the coupled system consisting of a complex matter scalar field, a U(1) gauge field, and a complex Higgs scalar field that causes spontaneously symmetry breaking. Under the assumption of symmetries, the coupled system reduces to a dynamical system with three degrees of freedoms governed by an effective action. The effective potential in the action has stationary points. The NTS-balls with large sizes are described by bounce solutions that start off an initial stationary point, and traverse to the final stationary point, vacuum stationary point. According to the choice of the initial stationary point, there appear three types of NTS-balls: dust balls, shell balls, and potential balls with respect to their internal structures.

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