Bounds on Gauge Bosons Coupled to Non-conserved Currents

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We discuss new bounds on vectors coupled to currents whose non-conservation is due to mass terms, such as $U(1)_{L_mu - L_tau}$. Due to the emission of many final state longitudinally polarized gauge bosons, inclusive rates grow exponentially fast in energy, leading to constraints that are only logarithmically dependent on the symmetry breaking mass term. This exponential growth is unique to Stueckelberg theories and reverts back to polynomial growth at energies above the mass of the radial mode. We present bounds coming from the high transverse mass tail of mono-lepton+missing transverse energy events at the LHC, which beat out cosmological bounds to place the strongest limit on Stueckelberg $U(1)_{L_mu - L_tau}$ models for most masses below a keV. We also discuss a stronger, but much more uncertain, bound coming from the validity of perturbation theory at the LHC.

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