Curvature-mediated spin textures in magnetic multi-layered nanotubes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The scientific and technological exploration of artificially designed three-dimensional magnetic nanostructures opens the path to exciting novel physical phenomena, originating from the increased complexity in spin textures, topology, and frustration in three dimensions. Theory predicts that the equilibrium magnetic ground state of two-dimensional systems which reflects the competition between symmetric (Heisenberg) and antisymmetric (Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI)) exchange interaction is significantly modified on curved surfaces when the radius of local curvature becomes comparable to fundamental magnetic length scales. Here, we present an experimental study of the spin texture in an 8 nm thin magnetic multilayer with growth-induced in-plane anisotropy and DMI deposited onto the curved surface of a 1.8 {mu}m long non-magnetic carbon nanowire with a 67 nm radius. Using magnetic soft x-ray tomography the three-dimensional spin configuration in this nanotube was retrieved with about 30nm spatial resolution. The transition between two vortex configurations on the two ends of the nanotube with opposite circulation occurs through a domain wall that is aligned at an inclined angle relative to the wire axis. Three-dimensional micromagnetic simulations support the experimental observations and represent a visualization of the curvature-mediated DMI. They also allow a quantitative estimate of the DMI value for the magnetic multilayered nanotube.

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