Parabolic Singular Integrals with Nonhomogeneous Kernels

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We establish $L^2$ boundedness of all nice parabolic singular integrals on Good Parabolic Graphs, aka {em regular} Lip(1,1/2) graphs. The novelty here is that we include non-homogeneous kernels, which are relevant to the theory of parabolic uniform rectifiability. Previously, the third named author had treated the case of homogeneous kernels. The present proof combines the methods of that work (which in turn was based on methods described in Christs CBMS lecture notes), with the techniques of Coifman-David-Meyer. This is a very preliminary draft. Eventually, these results will be part of a more extensive work on parabolic uniform rectifiability and singular integrals.

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