Implications of new evidence for lepton-universality violation in $bto sell^+ell^-$ decays

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Motivated by renewed evidence for new physics in $b to sellell$ transitions in the form of LHCbs new measurements of theoretically clean lepton-universality ratios and the purely leptonic $B_stomu^+mu^-$ decay, we quantify the combined level of discrepancy with the Standard Model and fit values of short-distance Wilson coefficients. A combination of the clean observables $R_K$, $R_{K^*}$, and $B_sto mumu$ alone results in a discrepancy with the Standard Model at $4.0sigma$, up from $3.5sigma$ in 2017. One-parameter scenarios with purely left-handed or with purely axial coupling to muons fit the data well and result in a $sim 5 sigma$ pull from the Standard Model. In a two-parameter fit of %$C_9$ and $C_{10}$, new-physics contributions with both vector and axial-vector couplings to muons the allowed region is much more restricted than in 2017, principally due to the much more precise result on $B_s to mu^+ mu^-$, which probes the axial coupling to muons.Including angular observables data restricts the allowed region further.A by-product of our analysis is an updated average of $text{BR}(B_s to mu^+ mu^-) = (2.8pm 0.3) times 10^{-9}$.

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