Linear Bandit Algorithms with Sublinear Time Complexity

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose to accelerate existing linear bandit algorithms to achieve per-step time complexity sublinear in the number of arms $K$. The key to sublinear complexity is the realization that the arm selection in many linear bandit algorithms reduces to the maximum inner product search (MIPS) problem. Correspondingly, we propose an algorithm that approximately solves the MIPS problem for a sequence of adaptive queries yielding near-linear preprocessing time complexity and sublinear query time complexity. Using the proposed MIPS solver as a sub-routine, we present two bandit algorithms (one based on UCB, and the other based on TS) that achieve sublinear time complexity. We explicitly characterize the tradeoff between the per-step time complexity and regret, and show that our proposed algorithms can achieve $O(K^{1-alpha(T)})$ per-step complexity for some $alpha(T) > 0$ and $widetilde O(sqrt{T})$ regret, where $T$ is the time horizon. Further, we present the theoretical limit of the tradeoff, which provides a lower bound for the per-step time complexity. We also discuss other choices of approximate MIPS algorithms and other applications to linear bandit problems.

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