China has made great achievements in electric power industry during the long-term deepening of reform and opening up. However, the complex regional economic, social and natural conditions, electricity resources are not evenly distributed, which accounts for the electricity deficiency in some regions of China. It is desirable to develop a robust electricity forecasting model. Motivated by which, we propose a Panel Semiparametric Quantile Regression Neural Network (PSQRNN) by utilizing the artificial neural network and semiparametric quantile regression. The PSQRNN can explore a potential linear and nonlinear relationships among the variables, interpret the unobserved provincial heterogeneity, and maintain the interpretability of parametric models simultaneously. And the PSQRNN is trained by combining the penalized quantile regression with LASSO, ridge regression and backpropagation algorithm. To evaluate the prediction accuracy, an empirical analysis is conducted to analyze the provincial electricity consumption from 1999 to 2018 in China based on three scenarios. From which, one finds that the PSQRNN model performs better for electricity consumption forecasting by considering the economic and climatic factors. Finally, the provincial electricity consumptions of the next $5$ years (2019-2023) in China are reported by forecasting.
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