Role of unitary correlation operator on high-momentum antisymmetrized molecular dynamics using bare NN interaction for 3H and 4He

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We extend the high-momentum antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (HMAMD) by incorporating the short-range part of the unitary correlation operator method (UCOM) as the variational method of finite nuclei. In this HMAMD+UCOM calculation of light nuclei, the HMAMD is mainly in charge of the tensor correlation with up to the four-body correlation, while the short-range correlation is further improved by using the UCOM. The binding energies of the 3H and 4He nuclei are calculated with this HMAMD+UCOM using the AV8 bare nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction. The different roles of the short-range and tensor correlations from the HMAMD and UCOM are analyzed in the numerical results. Compared with the previous calculations based on the different variational methods, this newly extended HMAMD+UCOM method can almost provide the consistent results with the ab initio results.

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