Factor-level Attentive ICF for Recommendation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Item-based collaborative filtering (ICF) enjoys the advantages of high recommendation accuracy and ease in online penalization and thus is favored by the industrial recommender systems. ICF recommends items to a target user based on their similarities to the previously interacted items of the user. Great progresses have been achieved for ICF in recent years by applying advanced machine learning techniques (e.g., deep neural networks) to learn the item similarity from data. The early methods simply treat all the historical items equally and recent ones distinguish the different importance of items for a prediction. Despite the progress, we argue that those ICF models neglect the diverse intents of users on adopting items (e.g., watching a movie because of the director, leading actors, or the visual effects). As a result, they fail to estimate the item similarity on a finer-grained level to predict the users preference for an item, resulting in sub-optimal recommendation. In this work, we propose a general factor-level attention method for ICF models. The key of our method is to distinguish the importance of different factors when computing the item similarity for a prediction. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we design a light attention neural network to integrate both item-level and factor-level attention for neural ICF models. It is model-agnostic and easy-to-implement. We apply it to two baseline ICF models and evaluate its effectiveness on six public datasets. Extensive experiments show the factor-level attention enhanced models consistently outperform their counterparts, demonstrating the potential of differentiate user intents on the factor-level for ICF recommendation models.

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