Covariant formulation of at finite speed propagating electric interaction of moving charges in Euclidean geometry

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Maxwells electrodynamics postulates the finite propagation speed of electromagnetic (EM) action and the notion of EM fields, but it only satisfies the requirement of the covariance in Minkowski metric (Lorentz invariance). Darwins force law of moving charges, which originates from Maxwells field theory complies the Lorentz invariance as well. Poincares principle stating that physical laws can be formulated with identical meaning on different geometries suggest, that the retarded EM interaction of moving charges might be covariant even in Euclidean geometry (Galilean invariance). Keeping the propagation speed finite, but breaking with Maxwells field theory in this study an attempt is made to find a Galilean invariant force law. Through the altering of the Lienard-Wiechert potential (LWP) a new retarded potential of two moving charges, the Common Retarded Electric Potential (CREP) is introduced which depends on the velocities of both interacting charges. The sought after force law is determined by means of the second order approximation of CREP. The law obtained is the Galilean invariant Webers force law, surprisingly. Its rediscovery from the second order approximation of a retarded electric potential confirms the significance of Webers force law and proves it to be a retarded and approximative law. The fact that Webers force law implies even the magnetic forces tells us that magnetic phenomena are a manifestation of the retarded electric interaction exclusively. The third order approximation of the CREP opens the possibility of EM waves, and the creation of a complete, Euclidean electrodynamics.

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