Geometrized effective-one-body formalism for extreme-mass-ratio limits: Generic orbits

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Compact objects inspiraling into supermassive black holes, known as extreme-mass-ratio inspirals, are an important source for future space-borne gravitational-wave detectors. When constructing waveform templates, usually the adiabatic approximation is employed to treat the compact object as a test particle for a short duration, and the radiation reaction is reflected in the changes of the constants of motion. However, the mass of the compact object should have contributions to the background. In the present paper, employing the effective-one-body formalism, we analytically calculate the trajectories of a compact object around a massive Kerr black hole with generally three-dimensional orbits and express the fundamental orbital frequencies in explicit forms. In addition, by constructing an approximate constant similar to the Carter constant, we transfer the dynamical quantities such as energy, angular momentum, and the Carter constant to the semilatus rectum, eccentricity, and orbital inclination with mass-ratio corrections. The linear mass-ratio terms in the formalism may not be sufficient for accurate waveforms, but our analytical method for solving the equations of motion could be useful in various approaches to building waveform models.

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