Refinement-stable Consensus Methods

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In a recent study, Bryant, Francis and Steel investigated the concept of enquote{future-proofing} consensus methods in phylogenetics. That is, they investigated if such methods can be robust against the introduction of additional data like extra trees or new species. In the present manuscript, we analyze consensus methods under a different aspect of introducing new data, namely concerning the discovery of new clades. In evolutionary biology, often formerly unresolved clades get resolved by refined reconstruction methods or new genetic data analyses. In our manuscript we investigate which properties of consensus methods can guarantee that such new insights do not disagree with previously found consensus trees but merely refine them. We call consensus methods with this property emph{refinement-stable}. Along these lines, we also study two famous super tree methods, namely Matrix Representation with Parsimony (MRP) and Matrix Representation with Compatibility (MRC), which have also been suggested as consensus methods in the literature. While we (just like Bryant, Francis and Steel in their recent study) unfortunately have to conclude some negative answers concerning general consensus methods, we also state some relevant and positive results concerning the majority rule (MR) and strict consensus methods, which are amongst the most frequently used consensus methods. Moreover, we show that there exist infinitely many consensus methods which are refinement-stable and have some other desirable properties.

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