On deficiency problems for graphs

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Motivated by analogous questions in the setting of Steiner triple systems and Latin squares, Nenadov, Sudakov and Wagner [Completion and deficiency problems, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 2020] recently introduced the notion of graph deficiency. Given a global spanning property $mathcal P$ and a graph $G$, the deficiency $text{def}(G)$ of the graph $G$ with respect to the property $mathcal P$ is the smallest non-negative integer $t$ such that the join $G*K_t$ has property $mathcal P$. In particular, Nenadov, Sudakov and Wagner raised the question of determining how many edges an $n$-vertex graph $G$ needs to ensure $G*K_t$ contains a $K_r$-factor (for any fixed $rgeq 3$). In this paper we resolve their problem fully. We also give an analogous result which forces $G*K_t$ to contain any fixed bipartite $(n+t)$-vertex graph of bounded degree and small bandwidth.

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