Measuring the spin structure of nucleons (protons and neutrons) extensively tests our understanding of how nucleons arise from quarks and gluons, the fundamental building blocks of nuclear matter. The nucleon spin structure is typically probed in scattering experiments using polarized beams and polarized nucleon targets, and the results are compared with predictions from Quantum Chromodynamics directly or with effective theories that describe the strong nuclear force. Here we report on new proton spin structure measurements with significantly better precision and improved coverage than previous data at low momentum transfer squared between $0.012$ and $1.0$ GeV$^2$. This kinematic range provides unique tests of effective field theory predictions. Our results show that a complete description of the nucleon spin remains elusive. They call for further theoretical works that include the more fundamental lattice gauge method. Finally, our data agree with the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule, a fundamental prediction of quantum field theory.
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