Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in superconducting islands with finite charging energy

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study an interacting quantum dot in contact with a small superconducting island described by the interacting pairing model with charging (Coulomb) energy $E_c$. This charge-conserving Hamiltonian admits a compact matrix-product-operator representation and can be accurately solved using the density-matrix renormalization group. We investigate the effects of the $E_c$ term which controls the number of electrons on the superconducting island. Most prominently, the energies of the subgap excited states induced by the impurity are no longer symmetric with respect to the chemical potential and may undergo discontinuous changes as a function of gate voltages. Phase diagrams of spin-singlet and spin-doublet ground states reveal a cross-over from the regime governed by the Yu-Shiba-Rusinov physics to the charge quantization (Coulomb blockade) regime characterized by even-odd electron-number effects. In this regime we find subgap states for both even and odd superconductor occupancy, but with distinctive subgap excitation spectra.

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