We present bright [CII] 158 $mu$m line detections from a strongly magnified and multiply-imaged ($musim20-160$) sub-$L^{*}$ ($M_{rm UV}$ = $-19.75^{+0.55}_{-0.44}$) Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) at $z=6.0719pm0.0004$ from the ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey (ALCS). Emission lines are identified at 268.7 GHz at $geq$ 8$sigma$ exactly at positions of two multiple images of the LBG behind the massive galaxy cluster RXCJ0600$-$2007. Our lens models, updated with the latest spectroscopy from VLT/MUSE, indicate that a sub region of the LBG crosses the caustic and is lensed into a long ($sim6$) arc with a local magnification of $musim 160$, for which the [CII] line is also significantly detected. The source-plane reconstruction resolves the interstellar medium (ISM) structure, showing that the [CII] line is co-spatial with the rest-frame UV continuum at the scale of $sim$300 pc. The [CII] line properties suggest that the LBG is a rotation-dominated system whose velocity gradient explains a slight difference of redshifts between the whole LBG and its sub region. The star formation rate (SFR)-$L_{rm [CII]}$ relations from the sub to the whole regions of the LBG are consistent with those of local galaxies. We evaluate the lower limit of the faint-end of the [CII] luminosity function at $z=6$, and find that it is consistent with predictions from semi analytical models and from the local SFR-$L_{rm [CII]}$ relation with a SFR function at $z=6$. These results imply that the local SFR-$L_{rm [CII]}$ relation is universal for a wide range of scales including the spatially resolved ISM, the whole region of galaxy, and the cosmic scale, even in the epoch of reionization.
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