Sign-alternating Gibonacci polynomials

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider various properties and manifestations of some sign-alternating univariate polynomials borne of right-triangular integer arrays related to certain generalizations of the Fibonacci sequence. Using a theory of the root geometry of polynomial sequences developed by J. L. Gross, T. Mansour, T. W. Tucker, and D. G. L. Wang, we show that the roots of these `sign-alternating Gibonacci polynomials are real and distinct, and we obtain explicit bounds on these roots. We also derive Binet-type closed expressions for the polynomials. Some of these results are applied to resolve finiteness questions pertaining to a one-player combinatorial game (or puzzle) modelled after a well-known puzzle we call the `Networked-numbers Game. Elsewhere, the first- and second-named authors, in collaboration with A. Nance, have found rank symmetric `diamond-colored distributive lattices naturally related to certain representations of the special linear Lie algebras. Those lattice cardinalities can be computed using sign-alternating Fibonacci polynomials, and the lattice rank generating functions correspond to the rows of some new and easily defined triangular integer arrays. Here, we present Gibonaccian, and in particular Lucasia

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