D2-brane with RR and NSNS fluxes and its dual M-theory origin

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper we obtain the Light Cone Gauge (LCG) Hamiltonian of the D2-brane in the presence of certain Ramond-Ramond and Neveau Schwarz-Neveau Schwarz fields. We analyze two different cases. We impose quantization conditions on the background fields for the cases considered in order to induce background and worldvolume fluxes. We obtain their associated LCG D2-brane actions and Hamiltonians. These Hamiltonians are duals to the ones associated to sector of the M2-brane with fluxes that possess good quantum properties, i.e. discreteness of the supersymmetric spectrum. The M2-branes considered are embedded on a flat target space toroidally compactified $M_9times T^2$ with a constant three form. Imposing a quantization condition it leads to a nonvanishing target-space 2-form flux. Once the dualization process is realized, it implies the existence of a D2-brane in the presence of RR and NSNS field background. The M2-brane theory flux quantization condition implies quantization conditions over the RR and NSNS background fields that act on the target as well as on the worldvolume by means of its pullback. This fact may be considered an indication that it could exists a top-down requeriment introduction of fluxes in String phenomenological constructions. The new D2-branes contains a new worldvolume symplectic gauge field with a symplectic curvature.

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