Good elliptic curves with a specified torsion subgroup

الملخص بالإنكليزية

An elliptic curve $E$ over $mathbb{Q}$ is said to be good if $N_{E}^{6}<max!left{ leftvert c_{4}^{3}rightvert ,c_{6}^{2}right} $ where $N_{E}$ is the conductor of $E$ and $c_{4}$ and $c_{6}$ are the invariants associated to a global minimal model of $E$. In this article, we generalize Massers Theorem on the existence of infinitely many good elliptic curves with full $2$-torsion. Specifically, we prove via constructive methods that for each of the fifteen torsion subgroups $T$ allowed by Mazurs Torsion Theorem, there are infinitely many good elliptic curves $E$ with $E!left(mathbb{Q}right) _{text{tors}}cong T$.

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