NMR Investigation on Honeycomb Iridate Ag$_3$LiIr$_2$O$_6$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the structural and magnetic properties of a Kitaev spin liquid candidate material Ag$_3$LiIr$_2$O$_6$ based on $^7$Li nuclear magnetic resonance line shape, Knight shift and spin-lattice relaxation rate $1/T_1$. The first sample A shows signatures of magnetically ordered spins, and exhibits one sharp $^7$Li peak with FWHM increasing significantly below 14~K. $1/T_1^{stretch}$ of this sample displays a broad local maximum at 40~K, followed by a very sharp peak at $T_N = 9pm1$~K due to critical slowing down of Ir spin fluctuations, a typical signature of magnetic long range order. In order to shed light on the position-by-position variation of $1/T_1$ throughout the sample, we use Inverse Laplace Transform $T_1$ analysis based on Tikhonov regularization to deduce the density distribution function $P(1/T_1)$. We demonstrate that $sim 60%$ of Ir spins are statically ordered at the NMR measurement timescale but the rest of the sample volume remains paramagnetic even at 4.2~K, presumably because of structural disorder induced primarily by stacking faults. In order to further investigate the influence of structural disorder, we compare these NMR results with those of a second sample B, which has been shown by transmission electron microscope to have domains with unwanted Ag inclusion at Li and Ir sites within the Ir honeycomb planes. The sample B displays an additional NMR peak with relative intensity of $sim 17%$. The small Knight shift and $1/T_1$ of these defect-induced $^7$Li sites and the enhancement of bulk susceptibility at low temperatures suggest that these defects generate domains of only weakly magnetic Ir spins accompanied by free spins, leading to a lack of clear signatures of long-range order. The apparent lack of long-range order could be easily misinterpreted as evidence for the realization of a spin liquid ground state in highly disordered Kitaev lattice.

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