BERT Goes Shopping: Comparing Distributional Models for Product Representations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Word embeddings (e.g., word2vec) have been applied successfully to eCommerce products through~textit{prod2vec}. Inspired by the recent performance improvements on several NLP tasks brought by contextualized embeddings, we propose to transfer BERT-like architectures to eCommerce: our model -- ~textit{Prod2BERT} -- is trained to generate representations of products through masked session modeling. Through extensive experiments over multiple shops, different tasks, and a range of design choices, we systematically compare the accuracy of~textit{Prod2BERT} and~textit{prod2vec} embeddings: while~textit{Prod2BERT} is found to be superior in several scenarios, we highlight the importance of resources and hyperparameters in the best performing models. Finally, we provide guidelines to practitioners for training embeddings under a variety of computational and data constraints.

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