Multiperipheral final states in crowded twin-jet events at the LHC

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The 13 TeV run of the LHC has provided a unique opportunity to explore multi-jet final states with unprecedented accuracy. An interesting region for study is that of events where one jet is tagged in the forward direction and another one in the backward direction and a plethora of low energy mini-jets populate the possibly large rapidity span in between them. Since the number of these events is very high, it is possible to introduce stringent constraints on the transverse momentum of the two leading jets which can be kept in small windows not very different from each other, defining what we call twin jets. The associated crowd of mini-jets can also have a restricted span in transverse momentum. The study of these events for a fixed multiplicity is an ideal playground to investigate different models of multi-particle production in hadron-hadron collisions. We set up an exploratory analysis by using an ancient model of Chew and Pignotti to describe the gross features one can expect for the structure of single and double differential-in-rapidity cross sections and for particle-particle rapidity correlations when the longitudinal phase space completely decouples from the transverse degrees of freedom.

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