How far has so far Spin-Charge-Family theory succeeded to explain Standard Model assumptions, matter-antimatter asymmetry, appearance of Dark Matter, second quantized fermion fields, making several predictions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The assumptions of the {it standard model}, which 50 years ago offered an elegant new step towards understanding basic fermion and boson fields, are still waiting for an explanation. The {it spin-charge-family} theory is promising not only in explaining the {it standard model} postulates but also in explaining the cosmological observations, like there are the appearance of the {it dark matter}, of the {it matter-antimatter asymmetry}, making several predictions. This theory assumes that the internal degrees of freedom of fermions (spins, handedness and all the charges) are described by the Clifford algebra objects in $dge(13+1)$-dimensional space. Fermions interact with only the gravity (the vielbeins and the two kinds of the spin connection fields, which manifest in $d=(3+1)$ as all the vector gauge fields as well as the scalar fields - the higgs and the Yukawa couplings). The theory describes the internal space of fermions with the Clifford objects which are products of odd numbers of $gamma^a$ objects, what offers the explanation for quantum numbers of quarks and leptons and anti-quarks and ani-leptons, with family included. In this talk I overview shortly the achievements of the {it spin-charge-family} theory so far and in particular the explanation of the second quantization procedure offered by the description of the internal space of fermions with the anticommuting Clifford algebra objects of the odd character. The theory needs still to answer many open questions that it could be accepted as the next step beyond the {it standard model}.

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