Pre-deployment Verification and Predicted Mapping Speed of MUSCAT

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The Mexico-UK Submillimetre Camera for AsTronomy (MUSCAT) is a 1.1 mm receiver consisting of 1,500 lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) for the Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT; Volcan Sierra Negra in Puebla, Mexico). MUSCAT utilises the maximum field of view of the LMTs upgraded 50-metre primary mirror and is the first Mexico-UK collaboration to deploy a millimetre/sub-mm receiver on the Large Millimeter Telescope. Using a simplistic simulator, we estimate a predicted mapping speed for MUSCAT by combining the measured performance of MUSCAT with the observed sky conditions at the LMT. We compare this to a previously calculated bolometric-model mapping speed and find that our mapping speed is in good agreement when this is scaled by a previously reported empirical factor. Through this simulation we show that signal contamination due to sky fluctuations can be effectively removed through the use of principle component analysis. We also give an overview of the instrument design and explain how this design allows for MUSCAT to be upgraded and act as an on-sky demonstration testbed for novel technologies after the facility-class TolTEC receiver comes online.

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