Equivariant sheaves for profinite groups

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We develop the theory of equivariant sheaves over profinite spaces, where the group is also taken to be profinite. We construct a good notion of equivariant presheaves, with a suitable sheafification functor. Using these results on equivariant presheaves, we give explicit constructions of products of equivariant sheaves of R-modules. We introduce an equivariant analogue of skyscraper sheaves, which allows us to show that the category of equivariant sheaves of R-modules over a profinite space has enough injectives. This paper also provides the basic theory for results by the authors on giving an algebraic model for rational G-spectra in terms of equivariant sheaves over profinite spaces. For those results, we need a notion of Weyl-G-sheaves over the space of closed subgroups of G. We show that Weyl-G-sheaves of R-modules form an abelian category, with enough injectives, that is a full subcategory of equivariant sheaves of R-modules. Moreover, we show that the inclusion functor has a right adjoint.

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