ARMADA I: Triple Companions Detected in B-Type Binaries alpha Del and nu Gem

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Ground-based optical long-baseline interferometry has the power to measure the orbits of close binary systems at ~10 micro-arcsecond precision. This precision makes it possible to detect wobbles in the binary motion due to the gravitational pull from additional short period companions. We started the ARrangement for Micro-Arcsecond Differential Astrometry (ARMADA) survey with the MIRC-X instrument at the CHARA array for the purpose of detecting giant planets and stellar companions orbiting individual stars in binary systems. We describe our observations for the survey, and introduce the wavelength calibration scheme that delivers precision at the tens of micro-arcseconds level for <0.2 arcsecond binaries. We test our instrument performance on a known triple system kappa Peg, and show that our survey is delivering a factor of 10 better precision than previous similar surveys. We present astrometric detections of tertiary components to two B-type binaries: a 30-day companion to alpha Del, and a 50-day companion to nu Gem. We also collected radial velocity data for alpha Del with the Tennessee State University Automated Spectroscopic Telescope at Fairborn Observatory. We are able to measure the orbits and masses of all three components in these systems. We find that the previously published RV orbit for the inner pair of nu Gem is not consistent with our visual orbit. The precision achieved for these orbits suggests that our ARMADA survey will be successful at discovering new compact triple systems to A/B-type binary systems, leading to better statistics of hierarchical system architectures and formation history.

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