Growth Rate and Configurational Entropy in Tsallis Holographic Dark Energy

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work, we analyzed the effect of different prescriptions of the IR cutoffs, namely the Hubble horizon cutoff, particle horizon cutoff, Granda and Oliveros horizon cut off, and the Ricci horizon cutoff on the growth rate of clustering for the Tsallis holographic dark energy (THDE) model in an FRW universe devoid of any interactions between the dark Universe. Furthermore, we used the concept of configurational entropy to derive constraints (qualitatively) on the model parameters for the THDE model in each IR cutoff prescription from the fact that the rate of change of configurational entropy hits a minimum at a particular scale factor $a_{DE}$ which indicate precisely the epoch of dark energy domination predicted by the relevant cosmological model as a function of the model parameter(s). By using the current observational constraints on the redshift of transition from a decelerated to an accelerated Universe, we derived constraints on the model parameters appearing in each IR cutoff definition and on the non-additivity parameter $delta$ characterizing the THDE model and report the existence of simple linear dependency between $delta$ and $a_{DE}$ in each IR cutoff setup.

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