KIC 10975348: A double-mode or triple-mode high-amplitude $delta$ Scuti star?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper, we analyze the light variations of KIC 10975348 using photometric data delivered from $Kepler$ mission. This star is exceptionally faint ($K_{p}$ = 18.6 mag), compared to most well-studied $delta$ Scuti stars. The Fourier analysis of the short cadence data (i.e. Q14, Q15 and Q16, spanning 220 days) reveals the variations are dominated by the strongest mode with frequency F0 = 10.231899 $rm{d^{-1}}$, which is compatible with that obtained from $RATS-Kepler$. The other two independent modes with F1 (= 13.4988 $rm{d^{-1}}$) and F2 (= 19.0002 $rm{d^{-1}}$) are newly detected and have amplitudes two orders of magnitude smaller than F0. We note that, for the first time, this star is identified to be a high-amplitude $delta$ Sct (HADS) star with amplitude of about 0.7 mag, and the lower ratio of F0/F1 = 0.758 suggests it might be a metal-rich variable star. The frequency F2 may be a third overtone mode, suggesting this target might be a new radial triple-mode HADS star. We perform $O - C$ analysis using 1018 newly determined times of maximum light and derive an ephemeris formula: $T_{max}$ = 2456170.241912(0)+0.097734(1) $times$ $E$. The $O - C$ diagram shows that the pulsation period of KIC 10975348 seems to show no obvious change, which is in contrast to that of the majority of HADS stars. The possible cause of that may be due to the current short time span of observations. To verify its possible period variations, regular observation from space with a longer time span in future is needed.

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