Upper Extremity Load Reduction for Lower LimbExoskeleton Trajectory Generation Using AnkleTorque Minimization

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recently, the lower limb exoskeletons which providemobility for paraplegic patients to support their daily life havedrawn much attention. However, the pilots are required to applyexcessive force through a pair of crutches to maintain balanceduring walking. This paper proposes a novel gait trajectorygeneration algorithm for exoskeleton locomotion on flat groundand stair which aims to minimize the force applied by the pilotwithout increasing the degree of freedom (DoF) of the system.First, the system is modelled as a five-link mechanism dynam-ically for torque computing. Then, an optimization approachis used to generate the trajectory minimizing the ankle torquewhich is correlated to the supporting force. Finally, experimentis conducted to compare the different gait generation algorithmsthrough measurement of ground reaction force (GRF) appliedon the crutches

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